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The Lord’s Message Goes to America

This article, “The Lord’s Message Goes to America" was published in a local Bengali daily - Dainik Basumati , August 13, 1965, in Calcutta, India.

The Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, prithibite ache yata nagaradi grama. That prophecy is going to be fulfilled now! Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami, a resident of Vrindavana, has translated the Srimad Bhagavatam into English in sixty volumes with word-to-word meaning and purports. Before this great work could be appreciated by his countrymen, people from far off America have expressed their admiration of his supernormal achievement and have invited him so that they may meet him in person and acquaint themselves with his work. Hence he is departing from Calcutta for New York this 12th (sic) day of August.

Published by Srila Prabhupada Lila

Image by Srila Prabhupada Lila
Dainik Basumati,Calcutta, India,1965-08-13
The Lord’s Message Goes to America The Lord’s Message Goes to America Reviewed by Hare Krishna Devotees of Iskcon on 02 October Rating: 5

Hare Krishna sect eyes NYC Center

This article, "Hare Krishna sect eyes NYC center" was published in The Albuquerque Tribune, August 2, 1973, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

NEW YORK - The Hare Krishna sect - the chanting, bell-ringing, saffron-gowned young devotees who have become an eye-catching fixture on the streets of New York, in other American cities from coast to coast, and in Europe - has become so successful that it is on the verge of buying an expensive Manhattan property for its new international headquarters and New York center.

Published by Srila Prabhupada Lila

Image by Srila Prabhupada Lila
Albuquerque Tribune,New York , USA, 1973-08-02
Hare Krishna sect eyes NYC Center Hare Krishna sect eyes NYC Center Reviewed by Hare Krishna Devotees of Iskcon on 02 October Rating: 5

Memory of the day- are reading my books

Adisekar das : He had the sankirtan leaders of that time from Bhagavan's zone a little meeting with us. First he congratulated the devotees for the results. And he asked the first question, I think the only question he asked us, and he said, "Are you reading my books?" Then Brighupati said, "You know, Prabhupada, we don't have much time, we don't have time to read." Then I heard, I was near, Prabhupada said, "What is the use?" I could see he was deeply hurt. It was a major priority. Our life was to be used to investigate this message, these books, these thousands of hours of work. So, of course, we were distributing, but then Prabhupada was more interested whether we were reading his books.

Published by Srila Prabhupada Lila

Image by Srila Prabhupada Lila
Srila Prabhupada Uvaca by Srutakirti das
Memory of the day- are reading my books Memory of the day- are reading my books Reviewed by Hare Krishna Devotees of Iskcon on 02 October Rating: 5

Anecdote of the day- Krishna will surely have to make Prabhupada's words true

Jagat Shaksu Dasa : When kirtan was over, Prabhupada said the prema-dhvani prayers, and then he told us, "It is very nice that tonight we have with us these two Prabhus," indicating the Gaura-Nitai Deities. "There is a very nice song. Can you please follow me?" and Prabhupada started to sing Locana dasa Thakura's very beautiful song, parama koruna, pahu dui jana nitai gauracandra, saba avatara-sara siromani, kevala ananda-kanda. But when Prabhupada said the first two words, parama koruna, his voice choked and he couldn't sing anymore. He closed his eyes and put his head back on the vyasasana, and we saw tears gliding down his lotus face. The room was completely silent. I don't know how long that lasted, but it was like an eternal moment entered the temple room. Everything was still in ecstasy, watching the pure devotee have such a wonderful experience of his love for Gaura-Nitai. Then gradually Prabhupada came back to external consciousness, although he was still affected by spiritual emotions, and he said, "Parama koruna, so merciful. In this dark age of Kali-yuga, if Krishna incarnated to kill the demons, practically nobody would be left. In Kali-yuga, the demonic spirit and the devotee spirit is in the same body. So Lord Chaitanya didn't kill demons, He killed the demonic spirit by the sankirtan movement and by the association of devotees." At the end he said, "You are very fortunate. Now you must make others fortunate too. If you chant 16 rounds, follow the four regulative principles and preach, I assure you in this same lifetime you will see Krishna face to face." Some people may say, "Well, generally it takes more than one lifetime to see Krishna face to face." But because Prabhupada made that promise, Krishna will surely have to make Prabhupada's words true.

Published by Srila Prabhupada Lila

Image by Srila Prabhupada Lila
Memories-Anacdote of a Modern-Day Saint  by Siddhanta Dasa
Anecdote of the day- Krishna will surely have to make Prabhupada's words true Anecdote of the day- Krishna will surely have to make Prabhupada's words true Reviewed by Hare Krishna Devotees of Iskcon on 29 September Rating: 5
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