Memory of the day- are reading my books

Adisekar das : He had the sankirtan leaders of that time from Bhagavan's zone a little meeting with us. First he congratulated the devotees for the results. And he asked the first question, I think the only question he asked us, and he said, "Are you reading my books?" Then Brighupati said, "You know, Prabhupada, we don't have much time, we don't have time to read." Then I heard, I was near, Prabhupada said, "What is the use?" I could see he was deeply hurt. It was a major priority. Our life was to be used to investigate this message, these books, these thousands of hours of work. So, of course, we were distributing, but then Prabhupada was more interested whether we were reading his books.

Published by Srila Prabhupada Lila

Image by Srila Prabhupada Lila
Srila Prabhupada Uvaca by Srutakirti das
Memory of the day- are reading my books Memory of the day- are reading my books Reviewed by Hare Krishna Devotees of Iskcon on 02 October Rating: 5
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