Indeed it was Lord's Mercy for a calm Atlantic crossing

During the voyage, Bhaktivedanta Swami sometimes stood on deck at the ship's rail, watching the ocean and sky and thinking of Chaitanya Charityamrita', Vrindaban dhama and the order of his spiritual master to go preach in the West. The ocean voyage of 1965 was a calm one for the Jaladuta. The captain said that never in his career had he seen such a calm Atlantic crossing. Bhaktivedanta Swami replied that the calmness was Lord Krishna's mercy.

Published by Srila Prabhupada Lila

Image by Srila Prabhupada Lila
illustration by Bhaktisiddhanta Dasa
Indeed it was Lord's Mercy for a calm Atlantic crossing Indeed it was Lord's Mercy for a calm Atlantic crossing Reviewed by Hare Krishna Devotees of Iskcon on 27 September Rating: 5
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